More than 20 years after the CTHS conference at Stasbourg/Haguenau Dynamique du Bronze moyen en Europe occidentale, the « Bronze 2014 » conference proposes to revisit this chronological period in the light of recent discoveries and new research.
In Western Europe, the Middle Bronze Age develops over a period of three centuries from the 17th to the 14th century BC followed by a transitional period during the 14th-13th centuries BC (the recent Bronze Age in the Mediterranean), period that is marked by continuity and major changes that announce the Late Bronze Age.
During the last twenty years preventive archaeology has grown exponentially in France and in the rest of Europe, providing data that has largely renewed research. The 2014 Strasbourg conference aims to present papers giving a general overview of this new research.
The conference will take place at the Hôtel du Département du Conseil Général du Bas-Rhin in Strasbourg and will be organised around three themes:
- Session 1. Regional Syntheses
- Session 2. Periodisation: absolute and relatif timelines
- Session 3. Socio-economic models of the Middle Bronze and the emergence of the Late Bronze Age
The conference will take place over 3 days, with 12 half hour papers (20 minutes per paper, 10 minutes discussion time) per day. Poster sessions with 5 minute presentations will also be organised. All conference papers will be published.